Top 10 Best Platforms to Sell Online Courses (Expert Choice)

When you’re selling an online course, it’s important to use a platform that caters to an audience of potential students. That’s why we’ve created this list of the best platforms for selling your online design courses.

Each of these platforms has been vetted by us and found to be safe and reliable places where you can share your knowledge with others in exchange for some cash.

As a designer, you know how important it is to share your knowledge and help others improve their skills. Selling an online design course helps you do just that, while also making some money on the side.

We hope this list will help you find a place where your audience already hangs out online so that they’ll learn from what you have to say!

Best Platforms to Sell Online Courses

1. Udemy

Udemy Logo
Image Credit: Udemy

Udemy is one of the most popular platforms for selling online courses. It has over 20 million users and over 80,000 courses available. Udemy has a wide range of courses available, including business courses, language courses, coding classes, and more.

As well as these huge numbers, Udemy also has a great reputation for being an easy-to-use platform with no fees (unless you are paid once you make money from your course), making it a great choice for novice sellers who want to get started without taking on too much risk or complexity in their e-commerce business model.

2. Teachable

Teachable Logo
Image Credit: Teachable

Teachable is a great platform for selling all types of online courses. It’s also a great resource for creating and selling online courses.

The website is easy to use and has a ton of features for building courses, selling them, and growing your audience. Teachable’s pricing plans are priced according to how many students you want in each course, as well as how many courses you want to sell at once.

Teachable has both free plans and paid plans, which allow you to sell your own courses on their website.

3. Thinkific

Thinkific Logo
Image Credit: Thinkific

Thinkific is a great option for people who want to create courses and sell them directly to students. It allows you to build your own online learning platform where you can sell courses, create private communities and manage the entire student experience.

Thinkific has a free plan with unlimited students with some limits on what you can do such as no live chat or file uploads so it’s important that you check out their plans before choosing them if those features are important to you.

4. Skillshare

Skillshare Logo
Image Credit: SkillShare

Skillshare is a great platform for you to sell your online courses. It has a large number of users and offers a good user interface, which makes it easier for you to manage your course and also promote it on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

In addition to this, Skillshare has a good reputation among its members and instructors. The platform supports both experienced instructors as well as those who want to start making money online by selling courses on Skillshare.

The platform also has an excellent refund policy that allows all those who are not satisfied with the services offered by Skillshare or their instructor (you) can claim their money back within 30 days after purchasing your course from the platform’s official website.

5. Kajabi

Kajabi Logo
Image Credit: Kajabi

Kajabi is an online course creation platform that allows you to build your own online course in a matter of minutes. It’s the perfect solution for business owners who want to sell courses without having to do all the work themselves.

Kajabi also offers impressive features like built-in marketing tools, live chat, and white-label domains so you can create an immersive experience for students.

If you already have an existing online course, Kajabi will allow you to integrate it into their platform so that students can sign up directly through Kajabi instead of being sent offsite (and losing potential sales).

6. Podia

Podia Logo
Image Credit: Podia

Podia is a good platform for selling online courses. You can choose whether or not you want to share your contact information with students (they will be able to contact you). You can set up your own payment plan, including discounts and special offers.

It has a nice design and is easy to use.

Podia offers a wide range of features, including analytics, payment processing, and a built-in email marketing tool.

7. Coursera

Coursera Logo
Image Credit: Coursera

Coursera is a learning platform that offers online courses in various disciplines. The platform was founded by Stanford professors Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller in 2012, and it has expanded to include partners from over 150 different universities around the world.

Coursera currently has over 5 million students enrolled at its partner institutions, who can choose to take these massive open online courses (MOOCs) for free or pay a fee to get a verified certificate of completion.

Coursera offers over 1,000 courses across 25 subjects on its site, covering topics ranging from computer science to philosophy. To help learners stay motivated while taking classwork online with this service provider, provide an app called “Learn” which features such as flashcards and quizzes that focus on specific concepts from your lesson plans—these tools are especially useful when looking for ways to study outside of class time!

8. Khan Academy

Khan Academy Logo
Image Credit: Khan Academy

Khan Academy is an online learning platform founded by Salman Khan in 2008. The website offers free educational materials to users, including over 3000 courses and 1000 micro-lectures. Students can learn the basics of subjects like math, science, economics, and history by watching videos on the platform.

Khan Academy has over 10 million users worldwide and is available in over 30 languages. The nonprofit organization aims to provide a high-quality education for anyone who wants it with no cost attached to anyone who wants access to its resources.

Khan Academy has been featured in TIME Magazine, CNN, and The Washington Post. The website was also named one of the world’s best websites by Time magazine in 2011.

9. Masterclass

MasterClass Logo
Image Credit: MasterClass

Masterclass is a great platform to sell online courses. The user interface is clean and easy to navigate, the service offers a wide variety of topics, and it has a large number of users who are interested in paying for these types of lessons.

The Masterclass website also provides excellent customer support; this is important because you don’t want your customers to have any problems when signing up or accessing their courses.

If you’re looking to sell online courses, then Masterclass is a great platform. The service has a large number of students and teachers, as well as a clean and easy-to-use interface. There are also no limits on how many courses you can create or how much content you can add to them.

10. Ruzuku

Ruzuku Logo
Image Credit: Ruzuku

Ruzuku is a platform that allows you to create, host, and sell online courses. You can also use Ruzuku to create e-learning content.

Ruzuku offers a free trial so you can test out the features before upgrading your account. The platform provides two different kinds of accounts: Basic or Professional. With the basic account, you’ll be able to create up to 50-course modules while with the professional account, there’s no limit on how many courses you can make!

With Ruzuku, there’s no need for coding skills because most of their tools are drag-and-drop based which makes it very easy for creating your own e-learning content in minutes!

They have a variety of templates available for all types of industries so no matter what type of product or service you’re selling through your course (whether it be business related), there will definitely be something available on their platform that fits perfectly with what your needs are too!


As you can see, there are a lot of different options out there if you want to sell online courses. Whether you’re looking for something simple that will get the job done, or if you want to go all out with a comprehensive website builder that has everything in one place then these are some great options to consider.

If you’re looking for a more complex solution, then the best option is likely Teachable. This platform offers just about everything that you could possibly need to set up and run an online course business from start to finish!

Recommended reading: How Much Should you Charge as a Graphic Designer?


How can I sell my online course better?

With a well-designed landing page, you can make sure your course gets the attention it deserves.

Which platform is the best place to sell online courses?

The best place to sell online courses is on a platform where you can control the pricing so that customers can’t get the course for free. It’s also important to have a platform that has a high volume of traffic so that you can reach as many students as possible.

What is an online course-selling platform?

An online course-selling platform is a website where you can buy and sell courses. It’s similar to classified ad websites like Craigslist, but for classes and training programs.

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