How Much Should you Charge as a Graphic Designer? (Professional Tips)

If you’re a freelance graphic designer, you’ve probably asked yourself this question: “How much should I charge for my work?” It’s an important question, and the answer can have a big impact on your business.

On one hand, if you don’t charge enough for your services, then it may be hard to find clients and make money. But if you price yourself too high, then it may be difficult to get work as well—especially since some people might think they can do it themselves or find a cheaper option elsewhere.

So what’s the solution? Let’s dive into how pricing works in graphic design and how we can use this information to determine what we should charge for our own projects!

Freelance Graphic Designer Charges

1. Figure out your expenses

If you’re a freelancer trying to make a living, it’s important to understand your expenses. You should understand what they are and how much they cost. You also need to figure out how much money you need in order to earn enough profit on top of those expenses.

You can work through this process by asking yourself:

  • What do I need? What costs are unavoidable? For example, business licenses or taxes might be unavoidable if you’re going to run your business legally.
  • How can I cut back on costs? Do some research on ways that others have saved money by making their own materials or finding cheaper alternatives for services (for example, using an online invoicing service instead of hiring an accountant).
  • Where am I overspending? Maybe there are places where the competition charges less than you do; if so, consider lowering your prices so that you stay competitive without sacrificing quality for clients who may not care about price as much as other factors (like speed).
  • Do I need more income than what’s coming in from my current pricing structure? If not enough people will pay $100 per hour but would pay $120 per hour instead—making up that difference with fewer hours worked each week—then raising prices is worth considering!

2. Consider your experience level

Ultimately, experience is important—but not the only factor. It will help you build a portfolio of work that showcases what you can do and get better at what you do, but it is also possible to become very successful without having much experience.

If this sounds like your situation and you have never worked as a freelancer before, then I would recommend starting out with small projects for friends or family members who are willing to pay for your services (or even offer them for free). This will allow you to gain confidence in your abilities as well as get some positive feedback from clients about what they’re looking for.

Once these early projects go smoothly and people start asking for more work from you again, then it might be time to start charging them money!

You can check out our article on How to learn graphic design for free

3. Consider the industry

The industry standard is a guideline for how much you should charge. It’s better to be overcharging than undercharging. You’ll need to consider the client’s budget and your experience level, among other factors.

  • Find out what other designers in the industry are charging. A quick Google search will do this for you. If there aren’t any market standards available, ask your peers what they charge for similar projects or services (but be careful not to share too much information about yourself).
  • Don’t undercut on price just because someone asks nicely! If a client wants cheap work, they’ll have no problem finding it elsewhere—and you’ll lose out on valuable opportunities with clients who value your expertise and skill set enough that they’re willing to invest in them properly (i.e., paying prices commensurate with their value).

4. Consider your target market

As a graphic designer, you’ll have to consider your target market when determining your price. A large market will typically be more willing to pay a lower rate than a smaller niche market. However, if you’re aiming for an extremely small clientele that has high-paying budgets and expects quality work, then you may be able to charge higher rates for your services.

Consider the following questions:

  • How much do people in my target market usually spend on graphic design?
  • Are there any competitors who are already charging similar amounts of money?

5. Figure out the amount and worth of your time

When you’re freelancing, you might be tempted to charge less than the going rate. It’s worth remembering that time is money. If a client wants to hire you for an hour but only needs half an hour of your time, then charging them for the full hour helps prevent them from taking advantage of your generosity.

You can figure out how long it will take you to complete a project by breaking down the task into smaller chunks and estimating how long each chunk will take. Consider:

  • Your skillset (e.g., if someone asks for something outside of your skill set or experience level)
  • The type of project (e.g., if they want something simple or complex)
  • What resources are available (e.g., do they have access to certain tools or software?)

6. Use a pricing calculator or tool

Pricing accordingly is a must for any freelancer, but it’s even more important when you’re establishing yourself in the field.

If you charge too little for your work, clients may not take you seriously and won’t be as motivated to refer new clients to you. If you charge too much, however, no one will want to work with you because they’ll think of your rates as unreasonable.

To avoid these pitfalls, use a pricing calculator or tool that can help guide your decision-making process by giving context around different types of jobs and how much other people are charging for similar projects. You’ll find plenty of these online: just search “pricing calculator” or “designer price estimator.”

7. Understand what you need to earn

The first thing you need to understand is what it takes for you to earn your living as a freelancer. You have to make sure that your salary covers all of the costs associated with running your business, as well as any other expenses in your life. Here are some things that factor into this:

  • Business expenses (like supplies and computers)
  • Taxes, including health insurance and retirement savings
  • Living expenses (rent and food)

To know more in detail check out our article on Best Ways to Monetize your Graphic Design Skills Online

8. Look at your competition

This can be a difficult task since there are many factors that influence the price of your services. But if you look at the work of your competitors—a simple Google search will do—and compare it to yours, you should find that most graphic designers charge anywhere from $10 per hour (for simpler projects) to $50 per hour (for more intensive projects).

However, don’t get discouraged if some designers charge more than others; just make sure that the quality of their work is consistent with what you offer.

Once you’ve got a better idea about your competition’s pricing structure and quality of work, think about what type of clientele they serve and where they’re located.

For example: If a majority of their clients are small business owners in New York City or Los Angeles who need help with branding and marketing campaigns, then it’s safe to assume those businesses will be willing to pay higher rates for services related to marketing and advertising than non-profits in rural Nebraska or small towns across America might be able to afford at this stage in their growth cycle.

9. Location, Expectations, and Standards

The best way to price your work is by considering where you are, what you need to earn, and the industry standards.

For example: If you are in a location with a lower cost of living than most other places in the US (i.e., if you live in Mississippi), it’s probably safe to charge less than what other freelancers are charging their clients in other parts of the country.

But if your client base is local or international and they have high standards, then don’t start off by undercutting yourself!


In conclusion, there are many factors that go into pricing your freelance services. The most important thing is to set a rate that ensures you can continue working and make a living from it. Keep in mind what other freelancers are charging for similar work and adjust accordingly if necessary. If you have any questions about pricing your services, feel free to leave them in the comments below!

Recommended reading: 8 Best Ways to Monetize your Graphic Design Skills Online (Tried and Tested)


What is a fair price for logo design?

The fair price for logo design is the cost that the designer and client agree upon. Fairness is relative, so there are no hard and fast rules about what is a fair price.

As a new graphic designer, how much should you charge per hour?

It depends on your experience, the type of work you do, and the market you’re in.
As a general rule, you should charge about $20-$30 per hour for most design work (and more if it’s really complicated).

How do I calculate my price for a graphic design?

You can calculate your price for a graphic design by using the following formula:
(Duration of Design in Hours) x (Hourly Rate) = Total Price
For Example : (2 Hours) x (20 Dollars/Hr) = 40 Dollars

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