20 Best YouTube Channels to Learn Photoshop in 2023

If you’re looking for the best YouTube channels to learn Photoshop, then look no further.

This list has been put together by a group of professional designers and Photoshop experts. We have taken into account the quality of the content, its relevance to learning Photoshop, and overall watchability.

We’ve compiled a list of 20 great channels that will teach you everything from image editing basics to advanced techniques.

1. Piximperfect

Piximperfect is a YouTube channel that provides video tutorials for Photoshop and Illustrator. It has over 3.9 million subscribers, millions of views, and over 700 videos. The videos are very well organized and easy to follow.

The creator of Piximperfect is a professional graphic designer who teaches beginner-level courses with the help of his wife who takes the role of an assistant.

2. Tutvid

Tutvid is a great channel to learn Photoshop, especially if you’re a beginner. The videos are clear and concise. You can find tutorials on different topics including photo editing, graphic design, and even logo design.

In addition to videos, Tutvid also has a blog where they share tips and tricks for using Photoshop as well as Photoshop tutorials written by various authors from around the world.

Tutvid offers free access to all of its content which makes it one of the best resources online where anyone interested in learning how to use Photoshop can go through hundreds of hours worth of video content without having any financial obligation whatsoever!

3. Photoshop Essentials

With over 150k+ subscribers and more than 100+ videos to its name, this channel is a great resource for learning Photoshop.

The host Steve Patterson has been teaching people how to use the program for a long and he regularly updates his channel with new content.

He has tutorials on everything from how to create an Instagram-worthy photo or design your own logo using vector tools in Illustrator (and then importing it into Photoshop).

Checkout our latest collection of Top 15 Stunning Photoshop and Lightroom Presets in 2023

4. Phlearn

Phlearn is a YouTube channel that has over 140+ million views and tutorials on Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, and more.

Phlearn is a great channel to learn how to use Photoshop. The hosts of this channel have been creating tutorials for over 12 years and they regularly update their content with new videos. Their channel has more than 2+ million subscribers

They have beginner to advanced tutorials in video or written format. The channel also has a newsletter you can subscribe to for tips on photography and graphic design.

5. Adobe Photoshop

For many people, Photoshop is the go-to tool for editing images. It’s powerful and versatile, allowing you to manipulate your photos in ways that would be difficult or impossible otherwise.

The Adobe Photoshop channel has a ton of resources on how to use their software products; this channel offers tutorials on how to use different features of Photoshop CC 2019 as well as some basic tips and tricks for beginners who are getting started with the program.

6. Photoshop Tutorials by Webflippy

Webflippy has been creating Photoshop tutorials for over a decade. He has created over 500 tutorials on his YouTube channel, and they’re all easy to follow and understand.

If you want someone who can create custom Photoshop tutorials for you, Webflippy is your man!

He has over 15 years of experience in the design field and has created hundreds of tutorials on his YouTube channel.

7. PhotoshopSurgeon

Photoshop Surgeon is a YouTube channel that is dedicated to providing tutorials and resources for Photoshop. The channel has over 1 million subscribers and over 300+ million views, making it one of the most popular Photoshop-related channels on YouTube.

The videos on this channel are created by a team of designers and developers who work together to create high-quality content for their viewers.

They also have an active blog where they share tips and tricks for designing in Adobe Illustrator, as well as other software programs such as Sketch 3D (which we’ll talk about later).

If you’re looking for some great tutorials on how to use tools like liquify or brushes in Photoshop CS6 then I would definitely recommend checking out this channel!

8. Will Paterson

Will Paterson is a Photoshop expert and he provides tutorials on how to use Photoshop. He posts videos on YouTube, his channel has over 1.5 million subscribers and he has been making videos for over 10 years.

Will’s channel is one of the best YouTube channels for learning Photoshop because he makes sure that his viewers understand what they are doing in each tutorial before moving on to another lesson, which will help them learn faster and better than other channels that simply skip steps or assume you know what they are talking about without explaining anything first.

9. Photoshop Tutorials

Photoshop Tutorials is a great channel for learning Photoshop because the creator of this channel has over 100+ videos on his YouTube channel with more than a million subscribers.

He teaches you how to use Photoshop in order to make your photos look better and gives tips on how to use different tools and techniques.

10. Photoshop Training Channel

The Photoshop Training Channel is a great YouTube channel for learning Photoshop because it has more than 200+ videos with over 6100+ million views. The creator of this channel teaches you how to use different tools and techniques in Photoshop.

This channel is run by a professional photographer and it’s updated regularly. The channel has over 1.9+ million subscribers, so you know you can trust the information here. It covers all aspects of Photoshop and it’s in English!

Don’t forget to read our article on How to Create Cracked Skin Effect in Photoshop (Step-by-Step)

11. Photoshop Hustler

Photoshop Hustler is a YouTube channel that provides free Photoshop tutorials. The tutorials are easy to follow and have a wide variety of topics, from beginner to advanced.

They also have an active community where you can ask questions or share your own projects with others who are interested in learning more about the program.

12. Abstract Tutorials

Abstract Tutorials is a channel that offers Photoshop tutorials for beginners and advanced users. The tutorials are easy to follow and well-explained, so they’re great if you’re new to the software.

If you’ve been using Photoshop for some time now, these videos will also be helpful because they cover some advanced techniques that can make your workflow more efficient.

The channel regularly publishes new videos and has a large collection of tutorials that cover a variety of topics.

13. Photoshop Creative TV

Photoshop Creative TV is a channel created by David Lloyd, who has been working with Adobe Photoshop for more than 15 years. He has also worked on other programs like After Effects and Premiere Pro.

The most popular videos on this channel include “How To Make a Simple Logo Animation in Adobe Illustrator,” “How To Create Stylized Text For Your Logos In Adobe Illustrator” and “Create an Animated Logo Reveal With The Shape Builder Tool.”

It’s worth noting that all of these videos were created by David Lloyd himself!

14. photoshopCAFE

PhotoshopCAFE is run by a team of professionals who have been teaching Photoshop for over 20 years.

The channel has over 290,000+ subscribers and more than 30 million views on its videos. They have over 200 videos on different topics in Photoshop such as image editing, photo manipulation, retouching, etc.

15. LetsPhotoshop

LetsPhotoshop is a blog that offers Photoshop tutorials and tips. They also have a YouTube channel where they post videos on how to use Photoshop. The channel has more than 260k+ subscribers.

The LetsPhotoshop team started out by creating tutorials for beginners, but now their content ranges from beginner to advanced levels as well as other tools such as Illustrator, InDesign, and Lightroom.

16. Tutorials Junction

Tutorials Junction is a YouTube channel that offers tutorials on a wide range of topics including Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.

The channel has over 1 million subscribers with more than 34+ million views and is owned by the Tuts+ network.

17. Spoon Graphics

Spoon Graphics is a channel on YouTube that teaches Photoshop and other design tools. The channel has over 500k+ subscribers and 200+ videos, with 30+ million views in total.

The channel covers everything from basic tutorials to more advanced projects such as designing an album cover for a band or creating website headers for your personal website in under 10 minutes.

If you’re looking for some quick tips on how to get started using Photoshop, this is a great place to start!

18. Envato Tuts+

Envato Tuts+ is a great place to learn Photoshop. It has a lot of tutorials and other content that can be helpful for beginners and advanced users alike. The videos are very well explained, so you’ll learn how to get started with Photoshop in no time.

The website also has an active community, so you can ask questions and get answers from other users. If you’re looking for a place to learn the basics of Photoshop, this is the best place to start!

19. Bring Your Own Laptop

Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL) is a channel that teaches you how to use Photoshop and create amazing designs.

It’s one of the best YouTube channels for learning Photoshop in 2019, with over 1 million subscribers and thousands of videos available on the channel.

The tutorials on BYOL are very detailed and easy to follow, so even beginners will be able to learn from them quickly.

The instructors also explain everything in detail so that you don’t miss anything important while learning how to use Photoshop or any other design software such as Illustrator or Inkscape (and more).

In addition to this, there are many other useful features such as real-life examples which will help you understand what is being taught better than just seeing some text onscreen without context around it – this makes the experience much more enjoyable than reading boring manuals all day long!

20. grapexels

Grapexels is a popular channel on YouTube with over 530k+ subscribers and over 200+ videos. The channel has videos on all aspects of Photoshop, from beginner tutorials to advanced tips and tricks.

It is best known for its popular short videos on Photoshop, and YouTube (which have become some of the most successful Photoshop tutorials ever produced).

The channel has many useful tutorials on how to make a logo, create your own brush in Photoshop, and more. The channel is updated regularly with new content so there’s always something new for you to learn!


The best thing about these YouTube channels is that they’re easy to access, and you can learn Photoshop in your own time. You don’t need any special equipment or software–just open up YouTube on your computer or tablet and start watching!

If you’re looking for more, you can check out our list of the best tutorials on YouTube. And if you want to learn some advanced skills, we also have a guide for that!

Recommended reading: 12 Adobe Illustrator Tutorials that will make you a Pro


What is the best way to learn Photoshop?

The best way to learn Photoshop is to take advantage of the many resources available. You can find videos on YouTube, as well as in-depth tutorials that explain how to use all of the program’s features.

How to learn Adobe Photoshop from YouTube?

You can learn how to use Photoshop through YouTube videos. There are many people who are willing to teach you how to use Adobe Photoshop on YouTube. You can also find tutorials on YouTube that will help you know what to do with Photoshop.

What is the first step to learning Photoshop?

Photoshop is a widely used and popular image editing software. It is used to edit photos, create graphics, and add effects to images. To learn Photoshop, the first step is to understand how the program works.

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